The Move to Grand Euros

There is a new pillow making its GRAND entrance on the bedding scene and its called the Grand Euro and at UpMarket, we are loving this look! Replacing its square cousins (the standard euro), they require only two pillows to serve as the background of your bedding on a king bed (rather than the three need of the standard size). 

The Grand Euro is simply the size of a large, decorative pillow. It’s a look to be loved—current but not “trendy.” It gives a maximized look with minimized pillows.

Let’s face it, no man ever understood the clutter of a million throw pillows on a bed. Remember Ben Stiller’s pillow meltdown in “Along Came Polly?”



Our solution: Use two Grand Euros instead. Two, large pillows provide a clean look, and if you want to add a decorative throw, it’s up to you.

Want to see it in action? Check out this video where UpMarket’s Owner, Cheryl Boriack, gives you the full scoop on Grand Euros and shows them being used on a bed she styled.



These new Grand Euro pillows come in all fabrics and colors and measure anywhere between 30”x37” and 32”x36”. They provide a simple, elegant look. Some may have a zipper, while others have a tie enclosure.  


At UpMarket, we like to identify tends early. Because we noticed people moving toward Grand Euros and saw them gaining in popularity every day, we decided to stock up!


If you choose a formal look, they might require dry cleaning, while a more casual and fun look, is more durability and requires less special care.

Ready to make a grand move?

At UpMarket, we are custom bedding experts. Give us a call to help create your dream bed in custom fabrics. We would love to show you how Grand Euros can be used in a new design or to level up your current bed design.